Monday, October 26, 2009

Update is out!

The update is out! Click here to open the App Store. Here are some of the features:
  • New trooper type: Pyro
  • A new chapter with new environment, new aliens, and new bosses
  • A brand new shop with new upgrades
  • Alien encyclopedia
Also, thanks to everyone who participated in the comic competition and congratulations to those whose texts were chosen.


  1. great update. can now get 200k+ on both levels. Please please please please PLEASE in the next update have it so it saves your game if you recieve a call, I understand because you thought it was only a 10 minuteish game that you didnt before, I was just playing for 45 min then and my girlfriend called me to tell me she was on her way home. I wasn't happy needless to say. It has to be done, it is done in other apps, no reason why it can't be done on this one.

  2. Yeah I'll have to echo what Karl said, I too have been clocking up 1hour+ games and they're absolutely great! If the content is there to support such a long play session though, then it simply must be supported by the app itself, otherwise it completely lets down the gripping experience of fighting back monster hordes for so long.

    Boom Brigade is also positively crying for OpenFeint or Plus+ integration! Being able to play off against others in an online leaderboard environment would ensure that the game continues to be adopted by new players, and keep the interest of current customers alike.

  3. C'mon guys....

    Add the Save feature!
