Here is the first concept shot of the new trooper class Pyro. This flame wielding sweat-master is going to be the bane of all the swarming alien breeds out there. Area of effect and damage over time will make this guy a formidable addition to the already massive firepower of the brigade.
Thanks to everyone who already supported Boom Brigade! Some people have also wondered about the save game functionality. That feature was left out intentionally in the initial release since single sessions are relatively short. However, it was always considered an update option. So, in future that feature may be implemented.
Also, we're trying to get the word out about Boom Brigade. So, tell your friends :) Here are some recent appearances: toucharcade, pocketgamer, and appadvice.
Boom Brigade was officially announced today. We were happy to see the news spread. You can check out the announcement from several places like Pocket Gamer, IGN Wireless, Developer, or from our own site Also, we're getting ready to submit the game!
Participate in the Awesome Boom Brigade Comics Competition Four winning entries will be chosen by the Comics Competition Board of Authority and they will be featured in the game itself in the first update. There will be four different comic strips, so one entry will be featured for each strip. The first strip is here and more will be available later on. Additional surprise prize winners will be drawn also! Please note that we reserve the right to use the submitted texts how we see fit.